two people running in the woods

3 Steps to Fitting in Fitness at a Conference

Posted on May 6, 2019

Despite our best intentions, maintaining a fitness routine while traveling for business can be challenging to say the least. However, regular exercise can reduce stress and increase energy levels, which can put you in the best position to get down to business. We’ve put together a list of three ways that you can get moving while in Greater Victoria for your next meeting or event!


Capitalize on best intentions

Set yourself up for success by scheduling workouts in your calendar before you even land! Take advantage of the facilities at your fingertips – all our conference hotels have great gyms and most have pools. Treating your workout as an important appointment will help you stay centered during the hustle and bustle of your event or meeting. Or, if group fitness is more your sweat style, book a class at a local group fitness studio. Calm your mind with a gentle yoga class or get a group together and scale the walls at CragX Climbing Gym (be sure to call ahead to book groups). Getting your blood flowing and oxygen circulating will help you get the most out of your trip.


street view of businesses and flowers

Image courtesy of CragX Climbing Gym


Lace up for a lap

After a full morning listening to keynotes and panels, your brain has probably reached capacity. Before you grab lunch, think about reaching for your runners and lacing up for a quick 20 minute jog or walk along the water. The physical activity will help wake up your mind and if taken at a leisurely pace, shouldn’t even make you break a sweat! It’s a great way to see the world outside the Victoria Conference Centre (VCC) and reset yourself for the afternoon.

  • Westsong Walkway 4km: Head North directly from the VCC on out and back jog with beautiful views of the Inner Harbour ending at the Victoria International Marina.
  • Dallas Rd Dash 5km: Just south of the VCC you’ll find a circle route along Dallas Road with views of beaches and cruise ships that will take you past the picturesque Fisherman’s Wharf and Provincial Legislature building.
  • Beacon Hill 3.5km Walk: Only steps away from the VCC is Beacon Hill Park. A 200-acre green space that’s perfect to stroll through when you need to stretch your legs. Admire the flowers and see the World’s Largest Free-Standing Totem Pole on this 3.5km walk.


two people running alongside water

Running along Dallas Rd


Perspiration perspective

Sometimes our mindset around movement jumps directly to breaking a sweat. That all or nothing mentality can often stop us before we even get started. Do away with the preconceived notions and incorporate movement in all its forms when you’re travelling for business. Maybe that means doing some simple hotel room yoga, choosing to walk from your hotel to the conference centre instead of taking a cab or incorporating a set of stretches when you wake up and before you go to bed.

Victorians are known for loving an active lifestyle. So, let the sight of locals riding their bikes or running downtown inspire you to move while you’re here. There’s a good chance the extra endorphins will help you kick jet lag, better manage stress and make you more productive!


women doing yoga outside

Yoga at Westin Bear Mountain

Destination Greater Victoria is honoured to be based on the traditional territory of the Lekwungen-speaking peoples of the Songhees Nation and Xwsepsum Nation, whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.